Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 3 - PandaMania

Today's lesson was about how God watches over you, and during Party Time Sing & Play (Worship) I challenged the kids to be on the look out for God Sightings. For those that may remember Alaska, it's similar to our God Markers.

Anyways, after worship, when everyone else shuffled to their different stations, I ended up having a really good conversation with a friend of mine, just about life and I guess the things going on, past stuff, future life, etc. Not only was it nice just to be able to sit down and have a convo with this friend, but as we were talking, I was just reminded of all the things that God has done for me. How throughout my life, throughout my time in college, God has been watching over me. And as he watched over me, he has done so much in my life, and also in the relationships I have with those dearest to me. I realized that God has taught me a lot, but he is still putting things in place for me that I might not realize now, but will see later. So I guess my "God Sighting" was not only a remembrance of all that God has done for me and changed me, but also getting to share the joys of hearing about how God has been working in and changing my friend. A very unexpected blessing, but today all I could think about was how much I want to say "Thank you God!"

Thanks for tuning in...


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 2 - PandaMania

Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting more time than actually doing something. I guess that's part of the frustration with just doing worship, and even when helping with games, sometimes I really question if anything is making a difference. Come to think of it...I didn't pray before we started today. Look at me getting all cocky. Thinking I can make a difference, or lead worship, and get kids excited all on my own, and yet leaving feeling like something just wasn't right (and I'm not just referring to my attitude). I think it's important when doing God's work, to turn to God first. It's not about how well I can jam to these songs, but ultimately everything I do should be pointing to God. If I expect these kids to be excited about God, then I need to get on the same page.

Silly Christine....

Well tomorrow...erm today is another day. Maybe I'll stop being stupid and actually turn to God.

Thanks for tuning in. Please keep praying for Friday + Saturday.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day One - PandaMania

Today was really good. Still not sure, how much of an impact I'm having, but it went surprisingly well. Since we started a little late, we only got to sing one song, but even with the mishaps, it was really encouraging to see all the kids get into the movements and the lessons. I guess being an adult, you forget what it's like to be a kid, and how innocent they are to find excitement in what now seems childish and corny.

I guess this is what it means when Jesus says : "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." -- Matthew 18: 3-4. As adults we seem to complicate our spiritual lives with all the muss and fuss of daily living which is really just a product of "growing up". But children have this way of looking at the world that is unhindered by all this nonsense, because they are still relatively innocent. I think it's not so much what I can teach these kids, but also learning from them, what it means to praise God with excitement and joy. To scream "Thank you God!" at the top of my lungs, or to listen to God's word with awe and amazement. To have a humble heart and to not question with my logic, or compose myself to protect my pride. I guess I want to learn what it means to come before God without any interference and to just take him all in.

Now to get ready for Day two! Thanks for tuning in!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vacation Bible School

So this summer, I'm not going anywhere. Not going to Alaska, not going on any other missions trip. Just staying in Pittsburgh. To be honest, at first I was bummed, because after last year in Alaska, I just felt so encouraged to see how God worked in the kids' hearts, not only the natives, but also with the ones on the team. It made me feel that much more drawn to youth/college ministry and I wanted nothing more than to go back and continue the work we had done in the previous year. Well God had other plans, and with a messed up schedule among other things, here I am in Pittsburgh preparing for Vacation Bible School.

It's not like I'm a stranger to VBS. Having grown up in the church, I am somewhat of a "product" of VBS's and Bible Camps and the like, but at the same time, there is a strange unsettling feeling at the bottom of my stomach (which might also be because I'm hungry....) from this anxiousness that I might not be ready. I get it a lot because I doubt my abilities as a leader, as a anything. But I feel like that's also showing me my lack of faith in God. I've realized that like before, I need to trust in God to work through me, not because of me. I've also realized that while these kids aren't little natives dealing with drug, alcohol, and sexual abuse. And maybe they're relatively well off....they still need Christ regardless. God's love knows no bounds. It's not just for the rich or for the poor, it's for everyone. And in that, VBS is like a mini-missions trip. There are still seeds to be planted. Hearts to be touched. Lives to be changed. I pray that God will do great things in these next 4 days, and that he will use me despite my flaws to help lead these kids in worship and prepare them for the day.

Please pray for the VBS at PCC. Pray for the children who are attending, for those that do and don't know Christ. Pray for the volunteers, that God will work through each of them, and that we can share God's love in all that we do. Pray for me, as I lead's been a long long time for yeah.

I guess I'll blog about each day (teehee) Thanks for tuning in.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

"For you have been my refuge..."

Ever since I was younger, I think I always kept a diary or a journal. Now that this is the technological age, I keep a xanga + a blogger, just because I like writing my thoughts down and documenting them to reflect on in the future. Often times when I'm not in front of a computer, I'll keep a written journal, and sometimes, it ends up collecting notes and tidbits from different parts of my life. One notebook in particular I found while I was looking for paper to write on while I was prepping for the last Co(llege)Fe(llowship) meeting that will take place this Sunday. As I was flipping through looking for a blank page, I found old sermon notes, angry frustrated notes, devotional notes, random notes, and I came across this page where I wrote down some verses, that gave me comfort at the time. At the end I wrote that I wanted to memorize them and I wanted God to pull me close so he could change me to be a better witness to those I love and those around me. Well I haven't memorized them, haha, but I feel like by coming across it, God was giving me a reminder of my continual journey and walk with him. While this series has convicted a lot of things in my heart over the summer, God is still working, molding, and shaping me into the woman that he wants me to be, into the servant that he wants me to be. As I'm looking forward to the school year and the responsibilities I'll be taking on, I'm comforted in knowing that God will lead me and help to guide me through.

Psalm 61:
"Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you; I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. For you have heard my vows, Oh God; you have given me the heritage for those who fear your name. Increase the days of the king's life, his years for many generations. May he be enthrone in God's presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him. Then I will sing praise to your name and fulfill my vows day after day." Amen.

Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Romans 12:12
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Hebrews 13:5
"...because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Last Day

Today was a mixed kind of day for me. My workshop didn't go as planned. I wouldn't let the kids listen to hip hop with any cuss words in it, and they got mad and walked out. While at first I was like wow, that stinks; it actually gave me an opportunity to work with these three guys that just wanted to dance. They listened to what I said about the music, and they even wanted me to help them with their talent show routine. It was really encouraging to be able to just leave some type of impact on them, however small.

Bible Club was a pretty good turnout as well, we did our skit and our Everything skit, and I really pray that it made a lasting impact on these kids. With Bible Club it's a very different atmosphere from how it was in Glennallen. Glennallen was very flexible with a little bit of structure, where as Bible Club is very structured with little flexibility. Having to switch from such extremes was kind of difficult for me to be able to feel out how people were reacting to the Gospel, and also, how much of an impact we were making. It really made me realize that I just have to keep doing the things that I'm doing, to be the light, and that God would do the rest.

Tomorrow I'm leaving Alaska, and I think one thing I really learned on this trip was to have faith. I think many times I learn lessons of grace and love, but faith has been something that I've really been tested, and something I'm hoping to keep strong. God has a plan for our lives, and while I might not know it, and I might have many plans for myself, nothing is random. I think for me going into my last year of college and really thinking about my future and what I'm going to do with it, is something that I need to not freak out about. Although that's kind of hard, I know that God will place me and use me wherever he sees fit, and he will protect me and guide me through all parts of life. I'm really blessed and grateful to have gone on this trip, and I really thank everyone who was praying for me and the team, as well as following my blog.

Please pray for our safety tomorrow as we fly back to Philadelphia. God Bless!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Anchorage Day 2

Today was the second day at the Boys and Girls Club, after getting a very sore night of sleep, I surprisingly felt very well rested regardless. During the first hour or so, it is very hard for me to get into the groove of things, mostly because I'm like the floater helper. I have no workshop of my own, so I feel like I have no place, however I just walk around and try to help out as best as I can. When it comes time to dance though, I feel right at home. Although it is a relatively basic routine, it is still fun to be able to dance and teach them and see the kids get so excited to learn something new and then show it off. Seriously, if I get an opportunity to train better and then later on teach, I would do it, it's such a great feeling; and then on top of that getting the opportunity to talk about God to them and the type of music that they listen to. It's really great to be able to use something I love and share that alongside the Gospel. :D

Today's program went well. We had a way bigger turnout than yesterday, so it was really encouraging, and the craft we did allowed us to share the Salvation message with the kids one on one...or two on one. The two girls I had were like polar opposites. One girl was really listening, but the other girl was all over the place. She kept interrupting me and telling me different stories, but it was okay, because it gave me opportunity to share how God applies to those different things. They ended up praying the prayer accepting Jesus into their lives, but based off of how things went, I'm not quite sure how the one girl was really thinking about it. So I'll just keep praying for them. At such a young age, many of these kids see a lot of bad stuff happening around them, and have no answers as to why, or what to do about them. Please pray for the kids in Mountain View Boys and Girls Club.

Prayer Requests:
- That God will lead us through the last day, and we will remain focused.
- That He will work in the hearts of those that accepted Christ today, and help them find good mentors that will nurture their spirit and help them grow.
- For Perry's safe flight home tonight.
- For our health and energy.

That's it for now!